The main attacks at our disposal is:
- Physical silver - dealers are already sold out, but this means nothing. They can claim to be "sold out" and have a stockpile in anticipation of the squeeze. They are simply not selling it to you.
- SLV shares - according to SLV prospectus, when SLV issues shares, they are forced to true up their vaults with the proportional amount daily - however, there are concerns about their integrity, be prepared for legal/media actions
- SLV calls - holding to expiry and exercising will force shorted shares to be bought back to sell to the calls should a squeeze occur
- SLV OTM calls - buying far OTM strike calls forces the Market Maker's algorithms to "gamma hedge", buying the underlying asset to hedge risk for the OTM calls. A steady ramp is better than a large wall of interest at a specific strike
- Silver futures - this is where some whales could really turn the tide - the COMEX vaults only contains 1 ounce of silver for 100-500 ounces traded via futures - the principle purpose of the future contracts is to actually deliver the underlying commodity, but because of traders settling with cash, the futures market has become 500x leveraged - Once physical silver becomes scarce, and more future contracts are settled for physical delivery, the demand will overwhelm the supply. SILVER FUTURES ARE 500x LEVERAGED!
- Miners - this doesn't actually do anything, but this is a way you can take profits without touching the SLV shares until the victory has been achieved.
The key is:
- Silver is necessary in industry, notably in the EV market and tech hardware.
- Investors will rush into silver in economic unrest, due to GME, corporate fraud and stimulus, further eroding USD. Rising interest rates are INEVITABLE.
- JP Morgan is heavily in short positions, and for a $1 rise in silver, $200 million worth of short positions are liquidated
- At $480, JP Morgan's full position of naked shorts are liquidated
- This is 3-pronged offensive - Short Squeeze, Gamma Squeeze, Cornering the Market.
- After seeing GME, it is clear that they will lie, spread FUD, use level-headed fake allies to try to dissuade us, distract us, say that it is over when it is not, break the law and laugh about it on national television.
- After 100 years of manipulation, over 90% of gold, and a significant amount of silver has been accumulated by the institutions. While they print worthless paper money, true wealth has been robbed from us. Who will help us against this manipulation?
SHOULD a $480 price be achieved. There will be severe consequences to the market. Plan accordingly.