RUNE/USDT time to short?

RUNE/USDT has formed bearish flag pattern + It also broke support of (≈)3.274.
BTC also looks bearish now, so it might be time to short RUNE/USDT after it successfully breaks support with conformations(Bearish candlestick patterns).
BTC has broken its support and formed bearish engulfing candlestick pattern in daily chart(still the candle hasn't closed, so wait for it to close in 9 hours and 19 minutes), so it might break its support of (approx)29700.

RUNE/USDT short entry-------->

Entry price - current price (around 3.180) or upon retest (if it retests) (around 3 or 3.2)
Stop loss - 3.4
Target price - 1.521, 1.300, 1.000

price might consolidate(or retest or take pullback) before crashing

(Don't open any position on wick)
(Don't take trades based on this idea, even I don't trade according to my idea)
(Do your own analysis)
(NOT A financial advice)
(High chances of loss if you follow my idea)

Candlestick AnalysisrunepricepredictionruneshortRUNEUSDTsellrunesellsignalshortstrongsellSupport and ResistanceTrend Analysis
