REPBTC (Augur) - This pair shows more potential upside action,

WyckoffMode tarafından
especially, when looking at the Daily TF.

The reason I do not have six TF's posted on this pair is because all TF's pretty much had the Green, Red and Black (LSMA) lines hovering around 80%. This is normal when a pair is pumping the way this pair is currently.

I made entry on this pair at $10.44; exited at $13.50 USD and re-entered at $12.50. The current price in USD at this writing is $13.25 USD.

I would recommend trying to place buy orders in the $12.50 to $12.80 range to TRY to get in cheaper. Rather than going in and just buying the sell orders. You will notice bots come in immediately after your buy order and placing an order in just above yours to try to frustrate you and get you to keep putting your buy order in higher. I would recommend being patient while waiting for your buy order to fill. It can take a little time.

I'm not sure if it's too late to get in at that range or not. I would at least give it a try. No?

In terms of WHERE this pair is going; that's very hard to put a finger on because we have very little historical data on this pair. I placed a red line and a blue line in the Daily TF to give an example of what I mean by very little historical data and to show potential Preliminary Support. However, I would not give much weight to those two lines because the price action was not at those locations long enough to justify calling them "Preliminary Support."

I kind of thought 0.006934 BTC was Preliminary Support and we have had a Breakout above that PS to go to another Breakout Level. That level may be where I placed the red line at 0.01451402.

You will notice quite a bit of liquidity in the order books on this pair compared to other pairs that are also traded in USD. This pair currently has more volume that ZEC if you look at ZECUSD and REPUSD on Poloniex.

I would call our current price action on the Daily an Automatic Rally (AR). We can expect it to com down eventually. However, I believe we still have a bit more to go before downside occurs.

The Daily is the only TF that may have me concerned about "where" we're going. When I say, "concerned," I'm referring to the green line on the Daily currently at 79%. Yes, it can go higher but it's telling me to keep a watch with alarms set for a potential dump. I believe we will at least make it to 0.01451402 before turning downside.
Who knows, this pair MIGHT surprise us like DASH and XMR did in their early days and go to the mid to upper teens if you look at the price in USD instead of BTC.
Looks like some of you [If you were patient enough] were able to get in at $12.60 to $12.70 range.
