Nano Dimension Ltd.

This stock is out of this Dimension ($NNDM)

Peep the Dead's Youtube channel linked in my BNGO analysis. I had a few shares of NNDM at $3, $6, and $9. If I just held them I would've been better off. My friend made a smart ass move buying 500+ shares well under $5.

NNDM is super fucking oversold as in RSI levels haven't been this low since October. Really strong resistance at $18, but earnings are coming up sometime in March. Not a lot of bullish indicators going on, BUT the 20c 3/19 has 15k volume and 23k OI. Can't tell if that's buying or selling. Looks like bagholders selling for a loss or people really fucking buying the dip for earnings. I'm gonna go with the latter.

Aiming for that 3/19 and December calls
Power hour, sour hour, lunch dip, whatever you wanna call it. I prematurely bought some 20c 3/19 which luckily haven't lost any value because as the priced drop IV went up. I think NNDM can go under $12 the few days. Will be buying more if it does.
Stock moved well, but the timing was off and the greeks are having at it. Might double down later.
had a chance to exit for almost break even, bought the calls for $60 a pop, were momentarily $50, closed for 60% loss because NNDM didn't bounce off the potential support line, and I acted way too late cuz I was sleeping in smh.
