(a) amalgamation of E18 with Network18 - 19 equity shares of Rs. 5 each fully paid up
of Network18 for every 1 equity share of Rs. 10 each fully paid up of E18.
(b) amalgamation of TV18 with Network18 - 100 equity shares of Rs. 5 each fully paid
up of Network18 for every 172 equity share of Rs. 2 each fully paid up of TV18.
5. Brief details of change in shareholding pattern of Network18
Category Pre Scheme/ Post Scheme
Promoter and Promoter Group 75.00%/ 56.89%
Public 25.00%/ 43.11%
Total 100.00%/ 100.00%
Pursuant to the Scheme, TV18 will be dissolved without winding up.