This is exactly what we see in the chart—the buy-side midpoint jumps higher than the sell-side midpoint drops, confirming a buy-heavy imbalance in the closing auction.
Backtests of this strategy show that the momentum approach can yield approximately 32 basis points per trade, translating to an annualized return of 80% when executed systematically. However, traders must account for transaction costs and slippage.
This example highlights how traders can monitor closing auction imbalance data to anticipate price behavior in the final minutes of trading. For a more interactive exploration, check out the NYSE’s Closing Auction Imbalance Analysis Tool.
Closing auctions are more than just an end-of-day formality—they reveal important market sentiment and provide trading opportunities. Whether you are a day trader looking to capitalize on short-term price movements or a swing trader seeking to exploit reversals, understanding the role of order imbalances in closing auctions can give you an edge in the market. By incorporating these insights into your strategy, you can navigate the complexities of the market more effectively and make more informed trading decisions.