motilal got eps of
9.04 - jun -21
17.18 - mar -21
13.05 - dec-20
12.17 -sep 20
6.09 -jun-20
minus -7.38 in mar 20 due to covid
there fore total 2020 eps = 13.39 eps and stock traded between 426 to 905 in 2020
where 2021 26 eps for two quaters only so considering other two quaters average eps of 6 total eps by year end would be 32 eps there for stock is currently trading
at 34 P/e if p/e remains constant 34 multiply with 32 which gives basic value of 1088
where sector p/e itself is at 50
actually what happened is last quaters were good this quater better than normal but why it has fallen is due other broking firms because market was expecting good results for broking firms as exxpected 5paisa , icici sec, angel broking gave excellent results based on that motilol has disappointed due to over expections other than that results are above average and eps is increasing yoy , as qoq on quater is little down they are just spreading rumors of bad results and operators bringing price down are accumulating
in the past in 2017 and 2018 when stock got yearly eps of 6.03 and 27.18 then itself it traded at an high of 1580
so from there lot of business has grown and motilol is not just as broking firm it has wealth managment services , finance etc which makes it a robust growth company
so no need to panic will give excllent returns in 6m -1y just my estimates
trade at your own risk this just for educational purposes
here check year eps yoy
2014 - 2.79
2015- 4.36
2016- 3.30
2017- 6.03
2018- 27.18
2019- 22.16
2020 - 13.39(one quater down due to covid where we got -7 eps)
2021 - till these two quaters 26 eps
next two quater estimates can be minimum of 6-10 eps
yoy year eps growth rate at 54%
roe is 20%
So imagine if given sector P/e at full incase and eps be at 24 then price would be
1200 without that very basic of 32 eps per year and 34 pe( current p/e) would give 1088 as fair price