got short term scalp opportunity for LINK

This project is the information feeder and somewhat validator for crypto and has such a head start on similar projects its not even fair. tech and market share dominance is the major reason to justify holding some LINK. see BAND for sim project. and other chains have their own as well ADA got theres kinda same with DOT etc
as As for link you can see not a ton of interest above and near 10usd. If she can break through and into the 10usd range we could see a decent run to the top of that bottom blue box on the chart. I feel we see one more ALT pull back esp here with LINK b4 this can happen. IE probably a good short term scalp/opportunity to take some short term profits with a rebuy when she drops.

this is a great example of the short and long term correlation between the ALT or Crypto markets, the USDollar Index and the SPX Index.

It appears in fact when the correlation is obvious we see the most market movement up and down. The last time the market truly pumped esp ALTS/LINK was when the USDollar Index was down and inverse to the SPX.

This seems to work in shorter term charts as well when trying to take a position (15min 3min 1min etc views or candles) all the way to one day and one week candles. Until I see this correlation stop I will rely heavily on this indicator combination when taking positions in the crypto and alt markets. (really this is the main back bone of this indicator idea. there r so few exit n entry points into this space is why i believe we see such obvious correlation with these other indicators. other indicators i use in combo with USDOLLAR SPX is BTC.D ETH.D DeFi.D ETHDeFi CRYPTO3 for alts. (crypto market cap minus BTC n ETH, then in combo with BTC ETH DeFi MARKET CAP CHARTS ALL ON THE SAME SCREEN. these are the charts that show the movement of the money in this space. on chain n off cross chain and beyond,learn to read these alien tides and stuff begins to unlock as far as feeling and understanding the wild west crypto markets)
Beyond Technical AnalysisFundamental AnalysisTrend Analysis
