Changing my mind on Goed
I had originally been more bullish on Goed, but I had spend the last few days researching it, and I am no longer bullish on it, but rather neutral.
I am cutting my long term position for now, And would be interested in Goed only from a speculative mispricing perspective. For an example. prices near all time lows such 1.70 to 1.90 may represent a mispricing opportunity as the most recent share offerings and warrants are priced at 2.50.
Additionally, some money can be made in mispriced shares, for an exmaple, buying at 1.90 on a speculative basis and selling at 3.00 is lucritive, specially when the swing in price takes lesser than 6 months.
From a risk management perspective, you should limit your exposure by purchasing in smaller sizes.
My concerns following more research is as follows:
Very significant price dillution with many bag holders at the $11, $9, and $2.5 levels as well as outstanding warrants at 2.50 for 5 years and at 9 and 11 respectively for 10 years. This will create overhang for the stock price.
- US Household appliances market is expected to grow at a rate of 1.3% from 2021 – 2025
- 42% of appliances are sold online in 2021, and this is expected to go up to 45% in 2023
The growth of 1.3% expected over 3 years is not significant, and the 3% growth in online appliances purchasing is not significant, specially where competition may be fierce.
GOED is highly dependant on one supplyer for a large portion of their sales:
"Our dependence on one supplier for a substantial portion of our purchases makes us vulnerable to a disruption in the supply of its products. We rely on Whirlpool for a substantial portion of product purchases. For the years ended December 31, 2020 and 2019, approximately 38.0% and 44.1%, respectively, of our total purchases were from Whirlpool."
The company itself belives it is vastly undervalued at these levels, so I may be totally wrong, but I am not seeing growth that will create significant returns in this buisness, and I am worried about their need to raise capital again, further diluting share prices.