

The biggest short seller of is “Goldman Sachs Hedge Industry VIP ETF” and I don’t know the other ones. But this one for example holds a lot of healthcare stocks (for example Change Healthcare Inc CHNG). So by buying GME some healthcare stocks, paypal, apple... etc. get at least under pressure. And a lot of stuff is invested in this etf. I couldn’t do the full research but higher prices in GME could destroy your saving on the bank or life insurances or… so nobody knows who really wins with higher prices. Maybe somebody can research that who really is losing here Please, before everything is to late. Maybe this was even on purpose to get rid of unpaid bill to the “regular” people. This ETF goes bankrupt and all the invested Money in this etf is gone! Can someone please make a full research! I wasn’t able to find it!
the Managers aren't even bleeding for that... They just get bad ratings and maybe a bonus for their great risk management. So the onlyone losing here are the people investing in the S&P and stuff.
Just think about it. Do you really think these managers (who have been dealing with money all their lives) don't know how to handle money? 140% shortrate is no coincidence... maybe they want those funds and etf's to die...
