IMO the ECB minutes were the most dovish/ clearly directed statements out of the ECB for several months. Before this, and in the past several speakers comments, sentiment has been towards the hawkish/ stale side, citing "ECB has done enough" as the main rhetoric.

The June Minutes however show a renewed positioning of the ECB, where they clearly imply they are willing to take further action if needed be with quotes such as "ECB Ready to Act, Using All Its Policy Tools if Needed", and unlike BOJ Kuroda, the ECB clearly seem to have taken ownership of their poor economic ownership finally by saying " Underlying Inflation Has Yet To Show Clear Signs of Upward Trend" and "To Monitor Inflation Outlook Closely" - given that inflation is their headline goal, such comments, when combined with the above readiness to "act", makes the idea of further easing a much higher probability, especially of late where key members almost have refused to mention further action.

IMO, this shift in rhetoric to the dovish/ directive side is in an aim to try and put some negative pressure on the EUR since it has managed to par losses vs the USD, whilst bleeding 12% appreciation vs the GBP. The ECB are likely trying to talk down the currency with such rhetoric, especially in light of brexit, where their currency has failed to revalue/ adjust for the negative economic impact that is coming.

I see a very bearish outlook for the EUR over the coming weeks/ months given this new dovish ECB stance, much like the GBP, when a central bank wants the currency lower, that is usually the path it follows. Potential dampeners however are the fact that Draghi has before failed to deliver market expectations (Dec 2015 most notable), so unlike the GBP, the acertive nature of these dovish monutes likely have a diminished impact relatively to say the GBP.
Nonetheless, i expect the ECB to continue with the rhetoric and given the appreciation/ stability with their biggest trading partners (USD/ GBP) i expect the ECB to take further action in the near term as as it stands, the EUR exchange rate mechanism will/ is failing to transmit the inflationairy pressure they need (infact the opposite) and further easing is the only way to solve this. Thus, I am short EUR from here, especially against the USD where i think it could be up to 500pips overvalued as it is, given its inability to price previous ECB stimulus (March) and Fed Hike in Dec - this short view is especially the case on the back of likely more easing + brexit uncertainties trade seemingly underpriced (vs EJ) and the new EU export inefficiency to the UK one of its biggest markets (given 12% appreciation)

- Clear 4-8wk targets are the 1.082 handle in the near term, with 1.052 lows from dec last year the next aim on the back of any fresh easing/ brexit uncertainties still need to be priced.

ECB Monetary Policy Minutes

-ECB Minutes: ECB Ready to Act, Using All Its Policy Tools if Needed

-ECB Minutes: Brexit Vote Seen As 'Important Source of Uncertainty' for Euro Area Outlook

-ECB Minutes: To Monitor Inflation Outlook Closely

-ECB Minutes: Brexit Could Cause Significant Negative Economic Spillovers to Euro Area

-ECB Minutes: Brexit Impact Could Be Transmitted to Euro Area Through Trade, Financial Markets

-ECB Minutes: Underlying Inflation Has Yet To Show Clear Signs of Upward Trend

-ECB Minutes: Investors Expect Future Challenges for ECB in Sourcing Enough Bonds Under QE Program

-ECB Minutes: It Shouldn't Matter Much Which Precise Assets Are Purchased Under QE

-ECB Minutes: What Matters is Overall Purchase Volume, Associated Money Creation

-ECB Minutes: Composition of Bond Purchases Still Matters to Investors

-ECB Minutes: Health of Euro Area Banks is Key for Effective Transmission of ECB Policy

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