very strong sginal for long postion EUR/USD

wow depend on our deep analysis in news and indecators >> we found very good apportonatiy for long postion

as you see in the chart the price borke downtrend and moving up also today the price make backtest for the trend and keep moving up so in this condition the price confirm long moving
also you see in rsi indecator the price broke 50 line so this very good signal for long moving
and in adx indecator you see the price broke 20 ine and also ad+ and adx line moving up 20 line this very good signal for long moving

in the end we advice our investor to open long postion and take profit to ema 200 on daily time frame
this postion 1.5 reward ratio / see the postion on the chart
ADXanalysisEURUSDeurusdlongFundamental AnalysisTechnical IndicatorsLONGNEWSRelative Strength Index (RSI)trendTrend Analysis
