
Sure Thing

Please read this chart with the related BTC contribution linked below. Money Man does not like to trade via hit and miss type of trades. He is always content to rather be half right than occasionally wrong. Swinging into this with all your might could get you undone, so pay head and move with caution.

Conclusion: There is a chance here, but as always far from a sure thing. Take measured moves if you wish to go after it and keep an eye on the BTC chart – decisive moves there down would translate, up as well and sideways there could see ETH start drifting up again. Very Important to Me: Please like if you appreciate the effort, please comment, and develop this further and please follow if you think this is going somewhere you might want to know about.
Related BTC chart
Trading is About Offence and Defence
Previous ETH contribution
Under Pressure
The next BTC chart to keep an eye on, especially now that ETH is not respecting the trend as much and waiting to get a decision from BTC.
Move Out the Way
Next ETH contribution
Breakup With 450
