The 3 levels seen on the chart below were automatically drawn in when trading got underway on Sunday afternoon.....well ahead of today's New York open.

Adding to this edge were the S/R Levels in The VIX.....knowing where those inflection points are is critical for trading the S&P's.​​

Trade #1 shorting into 4547
You could have used 4530 to take profits

*Trade #2 going long into 4530
You could have used 4543 to book profits

*Trade #3 long above 4543

Understanding Support and Resistance Levels

Remember, the more informed and objective we can be with numbers, the more confident we can be with our trades. That’s important because, although price action is random (a fact that has been proven time and time again), there are repeatable patterns we can use to get an edge.

Two of those objective data points we can use to gain an edge are support and resistance levels. These are two of the best tools we have when it comes to swing trading. Why? Because they give us strong data points that suggest where an instrument is likely (and unlikely) to go.

But this is really key: Arbitrarily cataloging each price level that appears to be relevant as a support or resistance level isn’t going to get you far. That’s why Aspen Trading takes a unique approach to support and resistance levels.

With Aspen’s Support & Resistance Levels, we measure where trades (prices) occur in terms of frequency. This gives us a sense of where market participants are wagering prices may go.

That’s about as raw and unfiltered as you can get in terms of displaying what has taken place. There’s no room for interpretation - this is raw data that can be used to get a sense of where prices may be heading.
Support and Resistance
