The last time I remember seeing this pattern was at an all time high January 2022, that over a long time creating this same diamond pattern.
There were, and are, many new ATHs created just like in the recent past...
other similar features were, and are, Head and Shoulder patterns, many of them, attempts to crash the market and new att time...
The head and shoulders is actually my Batman Pattern i discovered, instead of a head above the shoulders, it looks more like the bat ears, and wings above the head... I have posted Ideas about it going back 8 years.
In one sentence a EWT diamond top pattern.
I think we may not see any more new all time highs for a while. If fact we are at a lower high.
EWT: after 3 sets of 5 waves up, and ABCs down, followed by a lower high is called an EWT "tripple thrust pattern", to signal we go down.