ES1 I SPY more pumping

I was trying to figure out how they were gonna pump the market with all this bad news. Apparently were doing the China talks redux, futures up big on "talks".

Note how the pump started right as the Euro market opened. As I keep saying, the Euros control US market open

In any case, don't short until you see overbought condition and MFI divergence. Bull flag target shown, but keep in mind that the market has hit ATH on "talk" news before, lol.
You can see how hard they pumped it, MFI finally moved up, volume actually shows up.

If people really believed the talks were going somehwere, gold would have tanked. I think this is just attaching news to regular market moevement.

Wish I had bought some calls yesterday, but I didn't because I couldn;t figure out how they were gonna pump the market, now I know....
I'm not sure that there's enough money flowing into the market to reach the bull flag target. Candlestick patterns indicate that this pump and dump is probably over.

Bought some XRT puts (retail being the weakest sector) for a quick flip. I think it gives up the entire pump by tomorrow. I might flip it at the end of he day though if it's close.
This market is almost hilarious. No money flowing in, and the Euros are trying to pump it with futures. Another pump and dump day.

The market has gone the exact opposite direction as futures 3 days in a row now. Watch them gap it down tomorrow and the market will go up. I think I'm gonna hold my XRT puts then flip them on market open tomorrow.
Flipped my puts, looks like the market wants that target after all. Incredible that people would buy into this BS, but whatever.

Would not be surprised if it formed a doji and dipped tomorrow before hitting the target next week though.
Market is showing weakness right now but there's a high probability that the afternoon traders will pump this starting around 2pm. Either way I think they pump futures overnight to hit that 2940 target. If it gaps up tomorrow, the market will more than likely close the gap so there's a chance to play the gap fade.

The alternative scenario is that we get a dip tomorrow and they pump it over the weekend.

I'm just gonna stay out.
I don't think it much matters what happens this afternoon because the Chinese will pump futures and probably the Euros as well. Tomorrow is 401k Ponzi payday Friday, so the market has to buy in the morning giving the algos an opportunity to dump with a profit. then it probably throws a bear trap doji.

I get this weird feeling that the computerz will gap this above resistance and we're gonna melt up until either the next Fed meeting or Trump throws another Twitter fit.
I'm guessing the Euros will pump futures again to hit that 2940 target. No point in watching futures in the afternoon, like I said yesterday it doesn't matter what the Asians do.
I'm guessing they're gonna pump the market up with futures for the next week or two. Probably no short positions until we get closer to the Fed meeting.

I'm sure as heck not going long except for a quick flip.
Pattern now completed in the timeframe expected.

Now the question is what will the Euros do premarket? There's a gap at 2929.62 so I expect that to get filled regardless, probably some whipsawing on Euro market open.
Note: Futures now overbought with MFI divergence. DIvergence is expected any time they pump futures off hours since there's so little volume off hours.

Expecting a gap up and gap fill tomorrow because this is just another pump and dump.

Not sure what next week will bring us, probably gonna bust through resistance, which is really retarded...
Futures now flat with market close. China actually dumped the entire fake news, market is lower than where it was Wed.

Looks like the Euros sold the gap, it was their pump and dump scheme anyways, so I guess that shouldn't be too much of a surprise. Seems like a different region gets to run the pump and dump scheme every week.
Target hit, obviously
Chart PatternsESes1Technical IndicatorsSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)
