DXY exercise

So...what do you do when your trading methodology just does not make sense...nothing lines up..you find yourself struggling to make sense of a pair..specific stock..or whatever you are trading. Once you realize its all subjective. You may see a cup and handle. I might see a bullish flag. Your support is my resistance. I suppose that is why forex is a zero sum game. For every winner there has to be a loser. All i know for sure is. When I find myself forcing an idea. Trying to make the counts line up. Forcing a chart to make it work. Its time to search for another pair to trade. If it does not jump out at you clearly. If its not a clean clear set up in alignment with your trading rules. Do not force it..Move on...I guess what I am saying is I have no clear idea what the DXY might do next. After all. Forecasting a move is all about probabilities and what it MIGHT do next.. Until I do. I will look for something else to trade. That being said. A 70 cent yank ?
