The method calls for Solid and dashed Green to precipitate. these are slightly deferent fitsLed roots with dramatically different quadratic extensions. Dramatic because of the social implications of either outcomes: different futures. Currently Solid green has a tiny bit more anchoring near the present. Dashed dashed green leans on the valley ( ( 03 Jan '18 ) of a tiny double bottom. This is.a formal test to the Parabolic support method ( experimental analysis ) .

Description in associated chart:

Wait and see. I like that the Jag has sprouted above Solid Red. I suppose that climbing along convex Solid Blue is a longer process but more sustainable. Solid Black curve rooted on the market previous great low ( 02 Apr '18 )to previous market grand hight ( 02 Oct '18 ) thta 'abola is like "Darkmass" never happened ( 24 dDec '18 ) its a long way up. If it ever gets there; It would be OK if it went sideways for a while .

Concave Solid Blue, upper and lower are rooted in the bulls convulsions. The DJI Jag could fall and find upper concave blue. Moving along that is a rate of climb that might be more dynamic!, with volatility spanning the Solid Blue Envelope .

Lowe solid Blue resistance is "not so happy". market . then the light colored curves rooted n the 13 Jul '18 high would come into relevance.
Looking around the world, that may be the best one can hope for. Yet, Nothing is certain. Better make the most fun and love of it all ! Where will the jag bounce and turn. Who knows?
Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsTrend Analysis

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