
CXO/CargoX First of July ACI Mandatory in Egypt Update 2


CargoX (KUCOIN:CXOBTC / KUCOIN:CXOETH) is still right on track for the mandatory launch of the Egypt ACI System.

The candles have finally deviated from the blue arrow predictions.

This is an update from my last post on the 2nd of June:


Even with recent price movements of Bitcoin and Ethereum , CargoX ( (CXOBTC*BTCUSDT+CXOETH*ETHUSDT)/2 ) has been able to keep the price stable / rising.
After some analysis I figured the best way to look at its price was via USD as the coin will be bought by business for a set price in dollars.

Egyptian government announcement about CargoX and ACI system: www (dot) nafeza (dot) gov (dot) eg/en/site/aci-details

The upcoming event, Lets look at some numbers:
Egypt has an yearly average container port throughput of approximately 6.5M TEU
Lets take the conservative estimation that import/export is about 50/50; However, this source leans to more import than export:
3.25M TEU Yearly; About every 1.45 TEU requires a Bill of Lading document which costs 15$ worth of CXO:
So about 2.275M BoL yearly with a total cost of: 34.125M dollar.
Currently the whitepaper of CargoX states a 70% burn rate: Thus 23.9M dollar worth of CXO burned every year. Every year. From Egypt alone.

With these estimates CargoX is looking to have a very bright future, together with those who are holding the token.

Please let me know your thoughts about the estimation.

Yearly TEU Egypt: www (dot) ceicdata (dot) com/en/indicator/egypt/container-port-throughput
Import/Export: unctadstat (dot) unctad (dot) org /countryprofile/maritimeprofile/en-gb/818/index (dot) html
Price BoL: help (dot) cargox (dot) digital/en/user-manual/documents-and-pricing/pricing-policy/#pricing-example
Burn rate / Bluepaper: (Burn rate: cargox (dot) info/files/CargoX-Business-Overview-Technology-Bluepaper (dot) pdf )
