Perfect Buy Time for CSPR, Personally DCA'ing in Heavy Now

Trevictus tarafından
Perfect Buy Time for CSPRUSDT, Personally DCA'ing in Heavy Now
I think a lot of folks are going to be incredibly surprised by what happens over the next 3-6 months for CSPR. I personally cannot think of a better underdog undervalued altcoin pick that no one is talking about at this moment. I have daily DCA buy orders in and have had that set for about the last year now, with incremental adhoc spot buy in's on dips as I've monitored the market and price action. The narrative is about to change, in a big way, 180 to the positive for CSPR in the coming weeks centered around the IBM WatsonX Prove AI solution built in partnership with Casper, as well as the major upgrade Condor going live. In context with what has been happening in the market over the past year, its the perfect storm of catalysts. Green arrow calling out very interesting things on the chart. Observed typical big moves to the downside being roughly 80% down, of which we just hit that ourselves in this most recent move... Multiple high timeframe bullish divergences. First time in a long time whale order buys only in the most recent pullback. Multiple candle pattern doji's on the way down, signalling to me that we're about to turn around. Then almost as if (whether conspiracy theory orchestrated or just simply convenient timing) the security event was a scheduled event put out at just the right time to shake out retail holders and cause a new all time low.. And you look at and examine every altcoins big bullish cycle, and its typically preceded by some <INSERT ANY BS> moment just like this, that no rhyme or reason just capitulates and tanks the price, and then just when all hope is lost, boom, massive impulse up and big moves. These things all aligning right in time for alt season to kick off in earnest with BTC dominance teetering on an edge, BTC despite popular sentiment that its about to crash seemingly finding level ground to settle into, mere months away from the election and anticipated big bullish market moves, all of it. Too many things are lining up, and I am most excited to see what CSPR does once it wakes up. It will start slow, but then gain momentum and start picking up, in a very very big way. This is giving me pure ADA and XRP and FTM vibes. I've overlayed conservative mock up lines for paths and levels and prices I'm watching. Personal trading strategy for me being, DCA over time, have patience, know when to DCA buy in heavier (which for me is right now now now), and be realistic with expectations knowing that BTC could easily correct hard down to 38-40k over the next 45 days, scare the shit out of the market as a whole, and CSPR could easily go down in a panic to 0.005-0.006.. At which point, I'm buying in even HEAVIER at that point. I buy the tokens, move them to my CSPR wallet, and then delegate. Set it forget it.
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When in doubt, zoom out. Looking at the 10 Day timeframe.. This is probably the longest bullish divergence duration of time I've ever seen come together for a project I'm invested in.

This just screams to me "Massive Springboard" bullish moves impending.

The setup is crazy. Solid project released during market crash, never had an opportunity to do a proper bull run before, couple of years long duration of accumulation. Last minute capitulation driven by security event, influencer fud, and weak hands that over extended themselves superficially "investing in a coin" giving selling at the bottom.

Personally I believe the narrative changes in September with Prove AI and a steady scheduled public release of news for this fortune 500 and that fortune 500 and this fortune 500 announcing projects with IBM+Casper WatsonX and Prove AI, which will then be backed up by on chain activity that ramps up. In parallel to the Condor upgrade and all the buzz and hype and awareness that comes with that. And then at some point in the next 6 months, this top tier exchange and that top tier exchange listing.

Wow. Just Wow.

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Solid white line is me being overly optimistic. More than likely one could expect the h/l bar pattern to play out in line with high BTC and market volatility leading into and through 2nd and 3rd week this month.

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10 day timeframe. Going to be very interesting to see end of month.

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Feels Lonely Out Here Posting About CSPR | Not for Long

I don't try to predict the market. I plan for price action around likely scenarios. If Reverse Cramer rules stand and Whales and market movers have a super bullish short squeeze surprise for BTC lying in wait for 2nd - 3rd week of September, then I am planning on this being the true bottoming structure and reversal for CSPR and the beginning of (what I can only hope for) a spring board like move in line with Cardano ADA's bullrun. I've accumulated more tokens than I would need of CSPR, 85% of which are delegated staking sitting, and ever the pragmatist I have price points for profit taking and re-entry at more realistic and down to earth price points. If all technical indicators and signs pointing towards a bearish and rapid/sharp correction to the downside for BTC targeting 38-42k, then I would assume that in the immediate capitulation move, nothing is safe, even alts that are at new all time lows like CSPR, and things will naturally be dragged down with BTC, at which point I am realistically targeting 0.007 area for a new low on CSPR. Upon which I will be heavily DCA buying in further to CSPR at that level and any dip or bottoming structure around there, moving off exchange, and delegating. I've learned patience the hard way. Perfectly content to wait 6-10 more months longer if the situation calls for it. That's one reason of a million I chose CSPR to invest in, as I find that the steady accumulation of staked rewards compounding tends to offset the pain of watching the market take a 40-60% correction. Naturally, I'd be much happier with option number 1....

Feels Lonely Out Here Posting About CSPR | Not for Long
Mock Up Price Action for CSPRUSDT w/ Timeline | Near Term (1HR)

* Expected BTC volatility and scary 'feeling' (by design) correction impulses down in next 7 days
* If BTC makes a sudden bearish move, everything in the market will initially follow
- 9/11 historically bearish low point in Septembers past
- 9/17 Fed rate news
- 9/18 to EOM, Prove AI go live, Condor CSPR 2.0 Upgrade go live
* I believe this will be the final dip down springboard moment, and last opportunity to buy CSPR at stupidly discount and significantly undervalued prices.
* For me, CSPR is my number one speculative altcoin pick and biggest bag by a mile for allocated funds for this type of play. I cannot think of a better altcoin pick across the board than CSPR.

Mock Up Price Action for CSPR w/ Timeline | Near Term (1HR)
Warms my cold hard calloused diamond hands of a heart to see this

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The reversal turn around and take off always starts slow..

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