Gambling & permabear news n°24

MrRenev tarafından
> Conspiracy nuts right again: Government geothermal plant has been causing earthquakes in France

"OMG the government experiments are creating earthquakes"
"Shut up you stupid conspiracy theorist put back your tinfoil hat"

Well this did not age well. The parrot/sheep were dead wrong once again. Of course it is obvious they are not going to learn their lesson.

The 4 december in the morning earthquakes of 2.8 & 3.5 magnitude have been waking up the population of Strasbourg (east of France).

The population, that has been locked at home for a lot of 2020, and is constantly fed fear uncertainty doubt by politicians and their propaganda arm (the media), have not been arguing about conspiracy theories. Weird as they usually do. When they physically feel something they do not argue and they "understand" real quick what is going on. I am willing to bet most of the ones that used to be good parrots are now pretending they "knew all along".

I do not know how wrong or dangerous these operations are but the population physically causing them to feel it has put an immediate end to operations. It is nearly certain that the government will try to continue its operation after a while.

See? Climate alarmists need not worry. Assuming something terrible will happen, the Planck time people will see or feel the effects there will be an immediate end to CO2 emissions (sometimes brutal for those that do not stop).

> Adolf Hitler wins election, swears he has no plans for world domination, disappointing many

In Namibia, a coastal country bordering SA to the north west, saw Adolf Hitler win an election. It is a former german colony with a german speaking community.
Adolf Hitler must have been very popular because he won with 85% of votes.
Adolf Hitler said he has no plans for world domination, I am reassured.
Before being colonized by the germans the country was peacefully colonized by the bantu in the 14th century, and little by little they managed to become a majority (19th century).
The natives which are now a minority are on a constant decline while the bantu colon numbers keep growing. It became "their land" long ago.
I think minorities (non bantu) are 20-25% of the country (including 7% white).
I wonder if Adolf Hitler has any plans about the minorities of the country?

> Another "profitable" day trader bites the dust: son of billionaire gets confident, loses everything

Temur Akhmedov the son of a azerbaijani Russian oligarch has been day gambling on the stock market.
His mother is suing him to get money as a reward for divorcing dad. She says they are using this as an excuse to hide money from her greedy hands.

Typical story: The son got into it, started winning, got excited, probably called himself a legend and a master of charts, then hit a losing streak and he was "convinced this loss was just bad luck" as he explained to the court. So what did he do? What every good idiot day trader does, martingale it back! 🤡
He increased his risk "can't keep losing right?" and the market gave him a valuable lesson.
His father was "a one-time fur trader" whatever that means, that made some mistakes early on and said he guesses his son thought he would avoid them.

Daddy is paying him a bank college. Better not waste that big brain potential. Already down 50 million.
Dad might be smart but I doubt mum is, and it's showing through their son.
I am in favor of dating apps or sites if we can add diplomas and iq and common sense tests to them.

> Pfizer vaccine: results not even published yet, causes infertility, big brains start to vaccinate asap

It appears we are still in the 6th dimension. Pfizer has indicated lactating women should not take this experimental vaccine and has claimed it caused infertility in women for an unspecified period.
No one has the slightest clue what the long terms may be, and other than this all we have are publicity announcements.
Seriously, no results, no research has been even published yet.

Idiots are already taking this vaccine and mocking any doubter. The media is promoting it. Months after the Redemsivir fail.
I don't care if people cry that I hurt their feelings. I will not hesitate to call them idiots to their faces because this is just too much. And it is the truth.

A little story and a question:
- A pilot, known for crash landing once in a while, miserably crashes his plane (called Redemsivir) like a big pile of shit. He gets out limping while the plane catches fire then explodes.
- Limping towards you he goes "hey I got a new experimental plane (called vaccine) completely new tech, haven't had the time to test landing yet and I have no clue how landing works with this type of plane but I'm sure it will go just fine, oh by the way if we crash you cannot sue me a law was passed to protect me, oh and also no you cannot see my license, oh and also we have no parachute"

My question is: What price tag should I put on the bridge I want to sell to the people that run to his plane with a big smile on their face?

The prominent french scientist at the top of his field that has been promoting Hydroxychloroquine + Azithromycin is rubbing his eyes in disbelief, but the media knows best, and calling him an anti-vaxx, after all he is an anti-science eviiiil climate denier. Ah fun fact, a few years ago the same man, Didier Raoult, was defending a vaccine that reduces mortality by 1/3 or something, but the french gov did not like it and were trying to prove via lies that it causes multiple sclerosis. Guess what? Back then the liberal media (pleonasm) called him "a docteur paid by big pharma". Today the media defends big pharma and calls the multi-laureate an ignorant tinfoil hat antivax 🤡.

> A new type of future sees the light: California water futures (ticker symbol: NQH2O) - via the CME

The "Nasdaq Veles California Water Index Volume". I made an idea about California infra recently but it hurt some people's feelings and got banned.
Ah the good old "this has nothing to do with trading". If it all has nothing to do with trading, why is there a whole new future contract?
1 month after I note the issues in California (Nov 9) they create this. Might see more, but I don't really follow all the credit swap and state debt management stuff.

The official statement by Nasdaq:

A quote from an article "Wall Street’s new water market is the latest sign we’re headed toward a Mad Max future".

Congress to fast-track whittled-down infrastructure bill OH WAIT nevermind expert day traders told me this had nothing to do with trading, and day traders know best, my bad.

I am immediately going to prepare a long letter to ICE & CME HQ to let them know day traders explained it had nothing to do with investing and this future is useless as well as the research they publish.

A CME person contacted me offering 100 bucks for an interview (they are making stats on their users) but I am shamed by my small account size so I didn't answer yet. And idk what to say and I want to be honest. But 100 bucks... Maybe I should just pretend to be a day trader and speak about indicators, which would be an accurate representation of the average individual investor. Maybe I should say I am not interested in any of their "hedging solutions" (this is how they call futures) because reality has "nothing to do with investing". I'll suggest they should create random cryptos that serve no purpose other than gambling on them using TA. Futures have been created for gambling right? They have no fundamental purpose right?
But ye... typical Dunning Kruger from me. I am worried about being too noob to answer. I underestimate myself, and then I see the smooth brains that overestimate themselves and remember "oh right".

> "The right side of history": Democrat congresswoman asks armed men to "make them pay" (Trumpers)

Michigan democratic state representative Cynthia Jones sent a "warning" to Trump supporters during a facebook live video, she asked people including soldiers to "make them pay". She lifts her head up in the video and has a vicious smile: James Bond evil bad guy detected.

She was born and raised in world famous Detroit but the district is outside of it a bit to the north.

"Be careful, walk lightly, we ain’t playing with you."
We are seeing more and more of this. Some state governors have even threatened to leave the union.
"We got some work to do".

She has been disciplined (by house republicans I think). She posted disciplinary documents on her facebook.
She posted a video to "soldiers against racism" after the backlash. "Rise up". Ye... I don't think she is backing down. Actually getting more radical.
What are the checks and balances in place for this kind of behavior other than trusting other representatives? Second amendment?

You know... "Rise up"... "We got some work to do"... "Resume the work"... "Begin your work" these are things that hutu said in the 90s right before and during the Tutsi genocide.

Still think I am an overpessimistic conspiracy theory perma bear?
Some people are going to have a rude awakening one day...

National Socialists, the KKK, radical nationalists, black separatists, anti-muslims, radical muslims, all love her.
Hey maybe Namibia won't be the only country to elect Adolf Hitler this decade.
Al-Qaeda & ISIS still pissing themselves as "decadent west & in particular the USA are collapsing".
Perma bears have little stars in their eyes too of course.
Seing how bears are viewed and treated, maybe soon short sellers are considered a "hate group", and being bearish "hate speech".

The Michigan rep is doubling down.

Many people are talking about secession, tensions are rising.

Many of my ideas around this subject (everything is correlated) have been banned and I was criticized but it's not a conspiracy theory anymore (never was but whatever).

Texit: A texas rep has woved to file a bill to quit the USA. He says the federal government is out of control.

Some "special" people think "this has nothing to do with trading". Not going to get too much into how dumb this is but here: The S&P 500 is made of 500 US companies (not sure the countertrend indicator people know this), ~50 of those are in Texas.
If it leaves the Union those companies will either have to move (and get different taxes, employees etc) or exit the S&P unless there is a special arrangement, and new ones will replace them. Big infra changes etc. And then will Texas use the USD?
And will other states join (several rep of other states have made secession threats). Empires of the past have gained and lost bits all over the USA is not a monolith it has all its states for only 150 years. So dumb to think so...
I can't tell what the odds of this happening are but it changes in real time.

The price today... what happens in the future no one knows... the possibility will be priced in (and then if there are enough fresh individual investors that throw money in the indice price will go up anyway but not as much as if people didn't not reduce exposure...).

Anyway I bought the tech 100 indice a few months ago and forgot about it, it kept going up I am disappointed I was hoping for more consolidation to buy more but fine.

Countries with low corporate taxes and more libertarian in general go up up up.
Even auth fascists countries go up because the iron hand government lets entrepreneurs focus on production basically.
Infinite debt, a government that takes and spends more than half the GDP, free healthcare for the whole planet, and so on, this is not a good long term investment. Very simple. Argentina was a bad investment, Zimbabwe too.

Plus I mean how can these people that complain, complain about this?
"I don't care about monetary policies geopolitics or economics I just want money"
These peoples are eternal losers. The vast majority of traders just care about the end goal, well sorry that's not how it works. Greedy pigs seriously. Good thing karma exists. The vast majority of traders are losers.
californiaCoronavirus (COVID-19)daytradingFundamental AnalysisTrend AnalysisUSAvaccinewater
