✳️ Chromia vs Bitcoin | Another Good Potential Opportunity

I found this one just now as I woke up... I remembered that I haven't look at Chromia for a while and they always fluctuate between down and up.

Just the fact that it has been down, increases the potential of it going up.

I will focus on two signals for you, the action on CHRBTC is already on-going.

✔️ 1 | The current price is already trading above above the 21-March low. The action below this blue line is the stop-loss hunt/shakeout move. At the same time CHRBTC is also back above its May 2022 low, hit more than a year ago.

✔️ 2 | Bullish divergence with the RSI based on this same level. Also, the RSI is now really strong but the price is really low... This one can also grow.

Grow your Bitcoins and you win; The game is called Bitcoin, there is a reason for this.

Thank you for reading.

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