
MASSIVE Breakout on Earnings Tomorrow?

I am nobody special. CHK Very Well Could Be, though. I'll show you why.

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FIRST of all. Zoom the FRIG OUT. Um, HELLO VOLUME! Thanks for your bankruptcy panic bags, BTW.
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Am I legit the only person on this planet that sees literal porn right here?

"Last year, it generated $24 billion in global revenues. By 2020, it's predicted to blast through the roof to $77.6 billion. Famed investor (M)ark (C))uban says it will produce ""the world's first trillionaires,"" but that should still leave plenty of money for regular investors who make the right trades early."
Trust me when I say this quote is completely irrelevant to CHK, but it reminds me of something..

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SECOND of all? Lots o' barish news.. err, wait wut? HOPE?
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Can it ... BEE!? A SURPRISE? An ... EARNINGS BEAT? lolno.
COULD be why the last 15m candle of this trading day was a dildo, though!
Not to mention the 5.65% rally After-Hours today ..

BTW. Take a look at the micro timeframes for CHK on every daily close this month. Then look at today.
You're welcome.
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Apple Parabola Degree Violation:
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Tesla RSI Channel broken after blowoff top:
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DJI 8.7% drop in 9 days:
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DJI AFTER I'm done with it:)
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Bitcoin? SURE! 666 it up bois:
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Oh, btw.
The jig is up, are you ready for this?

(See you in like, 11 years, fam.)

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Hmm, what about metal?
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Gold? Yep, got/had that covered too:

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(Wait a minute... Doesn't this chart look familiar? ^^^ *COUGH* *COUGH*)

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Hmm, what about Platinum?
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(Wait a minut...oh fuggit nvm.)

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Frig, Mr. Lahey, where is ALL that profit going?
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I am balls deep in this stock.
Calls and alls.
Do you have dee balls to buy it,
while she falls?

Trade the chart. It will make you a lot of money when CHK goes bankrupt. owait-
BB take me to ur leeder, to KEKiSTAN PLS!

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-Peewee 2.2 (THE Professional Amateur)
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Highest 15M single candle volume since 12/20.

This is either a very very elaborate fakeout, or some insiders know something we don't about earnings tomorrow.
I'd just like to point something out really fast before I finally head to sleep.
Considering the volumes, considering just how many people lately are saying CHK will never even hit a dollar again.
Consider the sizable open int....FUEL on puts and shorts right now.
Consider Earnings coming out pre-market tomorrow.
Consider this is the first time in many many many recorded daily closes that the daily ended up with a LARGE and GREEN volume spike in this asset.
Consider Yahoo changing its tune just 6 days apart from nowaysellthatsht to surprise?
Consider some Black Swan events throughout Stock Market history.
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For reference, I used to mainly be a Bitcoin 'trader.'
A joke, I was. I used to spend a LOT of money that wasn't mine, and get liquidated typically the same day.
Some days $300 was gone within an hour or two of my purchase.
That money was really important. I took advantage of multiple massive opportunities, but did it stupidly.
You don't know how badly I regret what I've done. You never will.

Needless to say, it added up over time to what would now be mega life changing money.
It wasn't mine, and I intend to pay it back in full AND THEN SOME even if it literally kills me.
Point is, I was extremely reckless and because of it, have a lot of ragret.
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Yet somehow, even though I feel as poor as the dirt I walk on, I realized something. I have some sort of .. weird talent I cannot seem to figure out.
Whenever I truly, and I mean DEEPLY believed in my TA, it would work! NEARLY perfectly. No, I'm not kidding.
When I say perfectly, I'm talking about nailing a bottom on a $3,850+ asset to within 0.001%.
IMMEDIATELY before a subsequent 26.4%+ face melting rally. See toward the end of this idea for proof.

Not only have I nailed massive bottoms and tops before(har har), but I've also called the exact price action within.
This talent I cannot seem to figure out has allowed me to predict many very long term and VERY profitable tops + bottoms.
The 2 unfortunate parts to this:
1) It was only Cryptocurrency/Bitcoin. Not Stocks.
2) I had absolutely no idea what the frig I was doing when it came to actually TRADING my predictions. SO, sadly, I was never able to capitalize on them. Cause I'd literally always get liquidated. Always. Well, 98% of the time, anyway.
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Take this with a grain of salt as I AM talking about Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency and not stocks.
Though, the near bulletproof consensus I have gotten from every single person who I've talked to that has traded both has said the same thing.

Bitcoin, at least according to THEM, is way way way harder.
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Read the ideas below, go on the Crypto exchanges and look at the charts if you're curious.

Is tomorrow my ACB fakeout 2.0? I for some strange reason don't seem to think so.
I get this really weird feeling man. I would not be surprised to see CHK SURPASS $1 by the end of this trading week/month.
The last time I felt this confident about a trade and what it was going to do, this happened. I've *really* wanted to top it:
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These are the Bitcoin ideas from that rise. Nailed the bottom to within $0.45 or 0.001%, the price action leading to breakout, and the support+resistance of said breakout prior to a gargantuan and blindingly fast price increase.
The jig is up, are you ready for this?

They're nervous.

Could CHK be next? My REDemption?
Don't blink. We're either headed to China or the Moon.

Goodnight everyone.
anlık görüntü
First of all, lol.

On this idea:
The CHK perspective

I had commented that there was a strong possibility the 15m candle before the daily close was a possible short or put fill.
"Yet if I was big, 'smart money', I know I'd be going with the easy play- pushing into puts then dumping into calls and running stops."
Turns out this was indeed my ACB fakeout 2.0. When will I learn? sigh.

At this point, it's open air for CHK. I do think we see a fairly meteoric bounce in coming days, but it will just be sold off on CHK's eventual ride to 9 cents. Considering all the bear fuel now present especially the drop after earnings, it looks as though the next monthly candle or two is going to be the deciding fate for this stock.

I am still very confident that this stock will rebound but the odds of it going bankrupt and to 0 at this point are much higher than they were before. If CHK reverse splits then it takes away a huge amount of shares from people which means your value if it recovers will essentially be half of what it could have been.

Look to 22 cents and if that is broken, 9-12 cents are the only hope for CHK at this point regardless of a reverse split. 9 Cents breaks and it's all she wrote.
Looks like stocks might not be my forte afterall. xd

Thought I already bought the capitulation but I guess not. l0lfigures
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22 cents held, for now.
Know this-
It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.
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Mister Sandman, give me a dream...
bwah bwah bwah bwahhh
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ruh roh, raggie
A wild wtf appears on Robinhood $5.5 calls!

This is giving me a stiffy and I can only get so e-rekt
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screw it. you either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
will be*
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This is one of the most gorgeous things I've ever seen.
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Dear God, PLEASE
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🙏 🙏
analyseBeyond Technical AnalysisbreakoutsignalearningsplayTechnical IndicatorsjackpotmcafeepanicresistancessupporttetherTrend Analysis
