I HAVE LIQUIDATED MY HODL PORTFOLIO COMPLETELY AS AN INSURANCE POLICY. I'd rather go up with the flow, then hodl though winter, cause there is nothing gonna be left to hodl. Instead better, short make more money and immediately swoop in and buy my preferred shitcoin for a discount and have twice as much. I will be shorting once line broken at 10x leverage. But be diligent reversals are a possibility so make sure to confirm the break. We are at an extremely sensetive spot, and with things going on the world, being highly negative, it is only logical for the drop to happen. Ultimately I am a believer in crypto, but most things don't have a use case and the only reason things go up this high is because of demand. Well, fear will cause too much supply, stop losses triggerred, long leverages liquidated, people selling scared. Massive massive drop possible here.