Just for fun: Comparison Bitcoin vs Wirecard, End 2011 - today

Recently I saw a chart of the "rise and fall" of Wirecard (WDI), which for me, as a crypto trader and Bitcoin evangelist, who is bullish for Bitcoin, looked suspicious for long already.

Well, just for fun, I made Bitcoin's and Wirecard's historical data comparable in a single chart layout from the end of 2011 to today. Please be aware of the logarithmic scale and a second Y-axis to make the value appear equal - even in USD and EUR which doesn't matter in this little chart.

I set both All-Time-High (ATH) at the same level which reveals Bitcoin's volatility and its bubble-like peaks at the ends of 2013 and 2017. But this also shows clearly the apart from that parallel rise of Wirecard which had its peak only 10 months later. From the beginning of 2019 on you can see that both assets behaved very similar until April 2020. Probably this is not a Corona-pandemic related issue for Wirecard but a time EY gave more an more pressure to Wirecard to lay its cards on the table.

No matter what, you can learn from this comparison that Bitcoin as an independent community- and public-driven payment processor seems to be by far more scandal-resistant and reliable, and verifiable than any Enterprise conducted and under control of a handful of people with their very own maybe very egoistic motivations.

When it comes to money, wealth and assets you better trust the one on which's public blockchain you control the deposits, funds, and payments. Take back control over your wealth.

Or even better: Don't trust, verify!
Beyond Technical AnalysisBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCcomparisonFundamental AnalysisTrend AnalysisWDIwirecard

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