
An Accident Waiting to Happen

Recap: BTC had a move above and below Decision 1 and 2 of the previous analysis, with no follow through to the next levels and is now doodling between the two. Price painted outside the lines making things dangerous. Frustrating as it is, this makes Money Man think. We are now in an area where the market/traders find it difficult to make decisions. So, he is stepping back and letting the price come to him again, thinking that once a decision gets made, there will be some follow through. Because of this he is now putting that Red 3 back in play too but thinks that Red 2 would show some notable resistance if not bring things to a halt if we were to go down.

Conclusion: This analysis has been one of the harder ones to compile as the levels are there, but they are too clumped around price and price is not paying as much attention to them as usual. Money Man thinks it is time to look at the bigger picture. Remember: No guarantees, only probabilities. Very Important to me: Please like if you appreciate the effort, Please comment and develop this further and Please follow if you see this analysis thread going somewhere you would like to know about.
Previous BTC analysis
Update: Carrying The Can
Next BTC analysis
Proceed with Caution
