I was responding to a followers comment, i thought it was worth posting again here: I have adjusted it and added some.
That was a mean move, letting it drop like that while giving the impression that it would go above the 10K. But that's how markets work, pushing bears and bulls out and taking their money while doing that. This move it made earlier today, is exactly a move like that. Giving the impression that price gets sold off many times at 8300, shorts should be placing stops just above that level, than you get a squeeze all stops become market orders, and we get a snowball effect. Pushing many people out who went short to late, tempting bulls to get in again, taking their money as well, and than make the big drop without all those people who got scared out of their position. This is how hedge funds/big players work. And everyone in crypto world were so happy when they saw institutional money would come into this market, thinking it's a good thing for crypto world :) LOL. They are destroying the market, draining money out off the market into their own already packed pockets. They will just keep doing this for as long new money keeps on flowing in this market. Of course they can't touch the HODL'ers money because, so they can only take traders money. But maybe even some HODL'ers got scared and got out somewhere between the 20K high and the 6K low. But make no mistake, once you have tasted this market, you are addicted (for live). So they will re enter this market, just a matter of time. Than even the HODL'ers become traders. And eventually even early investors who made massive profits, will at least 'donate' a percentage to these whales. The gamblers of course will 'donate' everything again. The signs are just so clear and obvious lately that this is going on, unfortunately almost nobody knows, nobody even sees it, but probably they don't even want to know or see it. Humans are greedy by nature, even if Bitcoin (or another crypto coin) could be our salvation from banks, unfortunately their will always be people destroying it before we even get the chance
Recently i saw an article on bloqtimes.com, think it was an analysis from someone here on TV, it said that search results on Bitcoin dropped extremely and keeps dropping. Telling us that people are loosing interest. The high of the cryptocurrency hype is already behind us. The only reason we made that big rally in December, because big amounts of fresh money was pouring into this market from people who were probably buying blindly at the highs. Many of these people are already done with this market. I don't hear people really talking about it anymore, two months ago everyone was talking about Bitcoin. If you look at the Alt coins, you can see this more clearly their picture is much worse than Bitcoin's. My theory is
that new people who are entering this market probably won't buy Bitcoin because it's to expensive in comparence to Alt coins. You can see this clearly when you have the chart with the Percentage of Total Market Capitalization (Dominance) of the crypto's. When Bitcoin's percentage dropped from 60% to 30%. This tells me that all that fresh money went into the Alts. Bitcoin's percentage is 40%/45% lately. The only way a market can grow obviously, is when money enters the market making demand higher and pushing prices higher. I just think with every day that passes more hedge fund money enters the market pushing prices wherever they want. I read recently that the number of hedge funds entering the Crypto market had increased allot. A few weeks ago i posted an educational analyses about volume at Bitmex (XBT) the Bitcoin future. Volume has increased allot the last few months there, indicating (for me) that more big players (hedge funds) are using the future to make money, while pushing the underlying value (the Bitcoin) into their directions. Of course it's not as easy is it sounds, but the strange moves (up and down) are increasing. Continue in the update