2 BTC to 20 BTC Trading Challenge - Day 1 (2 BTC)

Sawcruhteez tarafından
“Maybe this is a game that can be beat.” -Knish in the movie Rounders

I learned how to trade by watching others make decisions in real time. The countless hours of studying theory / different indicators only went so far. As soon as I was ready to implement a strategy I felt like a deer in the headlights.

What helped me more than anything else was watching established traders wrestle with the intricacies that I found so confusing - in real time. Being a Monday morning quarterback is a cakewalk by comparison.

It’s always been very easy for me to look at a chart in hindsight and point to what should have been done and why. However, being able to do that in real time is where the boys become men. Being able to do that in real time while having money on the line is where men become pros.

In this vein I have always done my best to be as thorough with my thought processes as possible while analysing the Bitcoin chart on a daily basis. I have also done my best to be fully transparent with my positions and decision making.

Now I have decided to take it to the next level by starting the 2 BTC to 20 BTC Trading Challenge!

I intend to return 1,000% through trading on margin over the next six months (or less). The reason that I believe that is realistic is because I have done it before and I have done it exclusively trading crypto in the 2018 bear market (March to August).

My motivation for making this challenge public is rather straightforward:

First of all I know that I would not have ever become a profitable trader without getting the luxury of watching others trade in real time. Furthermore, I know that many got completely rekt throughout this bear market and some may be feeling very discouraged at this point.

This challenge is intended to be proof-of-work, not only of my abilities but of Tyler Jenks’ Consensio and of technical analysis as a whole. If I can implement an objective strategy and return 1,000% in less than 6 months then you can do it too!

I share my entire trading strategy and process (completely for free) so there really is nothing stopping you other than yourself. The strategy and process are very objective and therefore very repeatable. Very little discretion is required once one understands Consensio (will take much longer than you expect).

In my experience one of the main factors that holds back new traders is swinging for the fences with every trade. Trying to find that one position that is going to lead to life changing money. That is a loser mentality and it is impossible to consistently win with that thought process.

Focus on batting average, do not focus on hitting home runs. If you are able to patiently grind it out on your leather ass, à la Knish in Rounders, then this might be a game you can beat!

If you are like myself then you are probably thinking something along the lines of:

“this sounds way too good to be true.”

If that is your conclusion then you are mostly right. I do not intend to share this information free of charge after the challenge is complete.

I intend for this to be a jumping off point for a private group and / or website. I am giving this all away to gain a following. Once I do then I will be moving my operation elsewhere and looking for opportunities to capitalize.

So if you are reading this and the challenge is not finished then you are in luck! Take full advantage of this opportunity and commit to learning how to consistently beat every market whether it be bull, bear, flat, parabolic crypto, stocks, commodities or forex!

Starting today I have a 2 BTC bankroll and I am not in any positions. I will make a daily post, or as close to it as I possibly can, to share the results of every single trade in real time. The Bitcoin Daily Update will remain and the Trading Challenge will be little more than a ledger of my positions and results.
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCBTCUSDchallengeconsistencyprocessRisk ManagementTrading PlanTrading Psychology
emasar Indicator is available for purchase at alphanalysis.io/product/emasar/
