
Ships Log: SS Lamboat

Ship's Logbook
Destination: Tropical Aisles, Lattitude 11705

5 May 16:00 UTC
Wind 9598 BiTCals
Course ENE to to the entrance of the Dualling Reefs at lattitude 9896.
Steering to the SE, into the hazardous course between two well known reef systems, the Bull Reef and the Bear Reef.
Wind pressure is expected to be between 9650 and 10188 BiTCals for approx. 3 days with frequent course changes between NE & SE to avoid shipwrecking on one of the reefs.
6 May 06:49 UTC
Wind 9702 BiTCals
After entering the tight navigable channel of Dualling Reefs, the SS Lamboat sailed SE for 185Nm. The wind pressure increased and turned to NE. There was no exit through Bull Reef at Lattitude 9964. A tack to Bear Reef, Lat 9907, was made, the BiTCal barometer showed an increase in pressure and a course to the NE was plotted, aiming to find a gap through Bull Reef further to the East.
"A tack to Bear Reef, Lat 9650, was made. The.."
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6 May 11:35 UTC
Heading NE
Wind pressure increased to 9722, then a sudden drop off forced course change SE.
Lat 9627
S S Lamboat's steel hull scraping the coral of Bear Reef. Seagull atop of the mast, spying for Capt S S as he navigated for a safer passage.
Wind strength decreasing, not enough momentum to clear North of Bear Reef.
The BiTCal barometer showing 9540.
Capt S S, at the helm, heads Sth until the weather picks up more favourably.
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