

Good morning my fellow Bitcoinistas!

I have something to say that I think is important and may be helpful to the young people and new traders on this platform. For all you crusty old life-long "traders" this probably won't mean squat to you. I'm sure you've seen it all before so please disregard.

But many of you new people are here to trade crypto right? Why? To put more dollars in your accounts? Why? So you can buy more stuff, do more things, or retire early? Right? Or something to that affect? There is a reason you are here and it has to do with putting more dollars in your pocket. Am I close?

Well, the world of money is changing before our eyes and I think we should all try to understand it and get ahead of the curve.

First off a very BRIEF explanation of what money is or is not. Most of us grew up believing that the Dollar, Euro, Yen, etc. etc. etc. is "money". These are NOT money. They are Fiat Currencies issued by the governments of the world. We use them because they dictate that we use them to pay bills and settle debts. Gold, Silver, and now Bitcoin, is Real Money. Bitcoin for the past decade and Gold and Silver for the past couple thousand years.

What is the difference between Money and a Currency? The purchasing power of a currency goes down the longer you hold it. Since 1913 the US Dollar will now buy you about 4 cents of what you could have bought back then when it was first issued. Money, on the other hand, increases your purchasing power over time whereas fiat currency decreases your purchasing power over time. It's really that simple. That is why a 1 ounce silver dollar today does not sell for 1 paper dollar. The money, in this case the silver, retained it's purchasing power and the paper or digital dollar did not.

So what is Bitcoin? Money or a Currency? The answer is MONEY. You can, however, use it as a currency too if you want. Or you can use it to purchase other currencies you may need to complete a transaction. No? Then answer this question. Which will buy you more TODAY? The $1000 paper dollars you hid in your sock drawer 10 years ago or the $1000 dollars worth of Bitcoin you bought 10 years ago? We all know the answer. And what do you think $1000 dollars worth of Bitcoin today will be able to buy you 5-10 years from now verses hiding the same $1000 dollars in your sock drawer? The answer will be the same. A lot, lot more!

So armed with this knowledge I have to ask why are people still trying to flip in and out of Bitcoin in order to get a few more hundred or thousands of dollars to put in their sock drawer when all they have to do is buy and sit on the Bitcoin and wait?

Many say "I do it so I can then get more Bitcoin". That's a fantastic goal, but I suspect for every 1 person that achieves that goal there are 40 or 50 that don't. Not only do they not achieve the goal, they lose most or all of the dollars they started with.

And why do we do it? Every fiat currency throughout the history of mankind has, or will, go to zero. It is inevitable. So why do we all chase after it and try to accumulate more of it? Especially now that the dollar only buys us about 4 cents of what it use to? It's a futile battle but we all do it. Years of conditioning I suppose and a piss poor educational system. It's almost like they want to keep us all ignorant of what is REAL money. Hmmmm????? By design perhaps?

At any rate you have all probably heard of Facebook and the new Libra coin they are going to launch soon. This is not MONEY. It is another digital currency based on a basket of failing fiat currencies and debt instruments from around the world. It may be a stable coin, but is will eventually go the same route as all the fiat currencies it is supposed to represent. The only good I see from this move is that it will introduce a couple Billion people to the world of crypto and things should start getting very exciting very soon. Just look what Bitcoin has achieved over the past decade when virtually NOBODY knew about it or what it was. Now fast forward a few years..... This will be epic. Plus Facebook has partnered with companies like Coinbase for this project. What does that mean? Billions of people will be able to easily slide in and out of Libra, Bitcoin, or whatever other crypo project interests them. Yes, the only good thing I see of this is that it will awaken the masses to crypto. So are you in or out before this happens? A good question to ask yourself.

So again, if you owned $100 or $1000 dollars worth of Bitcoin today, how much Libra do you think you could buy in 5 or 10 years? I don't know the answer but I think it will be a hell of a lot. How many of those 3 or 4 cent dollars do you think you can buy in 5 or 10 years with Bitcoin? A hell of a lot. As history has already shown us.

Do with this rant what you will, but for me the answer is to hodl Bitcoin instead of dollars and Hodl Bitcoin instead of all the various "Me-too" Alt-coins that are probably going to zero between now and when Facebook launches Libra. Many will not be needed and just don't do anything Libra can't do and they don't already have 2+ Billion people using their platform worldwide. For any similar alt-coin to survive they have a hell of a lot of catching up to do. I just don't see it for many of them.

Why did I write all this? Because I think there many of you about to flip out of Bitcoin for a quick (depreciating buck) right before the next moonshot. I truly believe that once this snowball gets rolling nobody will be able to stop it and you could very easily wake up one morning to a 10K jump in Bitcoin following the very evening you just sold out. You will hate life at that point. Nobody should be hating life. It's too short as it is.

Does all this sound like nothing but FOMO? I'm sure it does, but my point here was not to try to scare you but to educate you so you can come to a logical conclusion of where this world is headed and how to get out in front of the train rather than get run over by it. Bitcoin could also drop to 8K tomorrow or lower, but if this gets going like I think it will the bullish acceleration will be epic. When this thing hits, we will all look back at the 5K-10K days of Bitcoin and say "Yeah, I was there, knee-deep right in the middle of it" while others say "Yeah, I thought about it....."

But on the opposite side of the coin I could also be wrong. I am absolutely not wrong about what money is vs what is a currency but I could certainly be wrong about when it happens or how fast it happens. So what? I'll take the chance and wait.

We all know that we should try to invest wisely and only risk what is affordable to lose. But to invest wisely you have to have good information so get out there and get all the information you can digest and then make an informed decision.

Finally, we've all heard it before. "This is not investment or trading advice this is just one person's option of the market" do with it what you will.

Good luck to all and I hope the best works out no matter which way you decide to play this game.

BBS out!

P.S. this chart doesn't mean anything. It is just that last thing on my screen before making this post.

Whether you took your profits and jumped out after 10K or still hanging in there for the bigger payout later on, I hope my little rant above may have helped a few of you stay put just a while longer.

Now with Facebook revealing their hand and other companies like Fidelity buying in, I don't see how anybody can still deny that Bitcoin is the real thing. Industry is now buying Bitcoin and probably are the ones that pushed it down around 3K to start with. They ALWAYS tell the public one thing while they do the EXACT opposite. It would not surprise me at all to find out that Facebook owns a huge chunk of BTC. Now that they have their fill, it is time to move on. They got theirs, did you get yours? If so, Congratulations!
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