Currently long, But potential correction ahead

If there were a place to reverse course, I would suspect were almost there. realistically it is more likely we continue up, Thats just how markets work.

However, one could argue the market is still a bear, and new lows are incoming.

I think it would be wise to entertain both ideas and know what to look for.

As we come closer to the potential top I will be updating. For now just neutrally long the stock.
Zooming in here.

Generally, when berkshire breaks away as it has done, it puts in a 18-23% move

There are cracks showing in risk assets, theyre always first to fall. Bitcoin in my opinion has started its descent. Largely foreshadowed by Coinbase, which is always early.

Berkshire will eventually feel the pain, but for now lets at least make it to 18%

anlık görüntü
I Do not like it. For the little it can go up, not worth risk anymore. leaving in small profit
interestingly, if were in a lost decade like 70-80's then brk.b could do well. Back then it went from 38 dollars to 260 ish in 10 years.

Im personally 100% allocated to brk.b right now. Willing to take the short term downside if it comes, it will be tame IMO. Looking for long term upside, i dont know where else to put my money right now.

Let the old guys figure it out.
Chart PatternsHarmonic Patterns
