BP p.l.c.

BP is a Zig-Zag UpTrend - Would you invest?

Guys, I am absolutely thrilled and be doing well with BP. I have the stock, LEAPS, Put-Sells, and soon Call-Sells.

1. What do you guys think about it 'after' the earnings?
2. Do you feel Brexit will have any negative effect in 2017-18?
3. Where do you see the stock ending in any timeframe? Please be specific $ and Time (if you can).
4. How are they doing with their Retail business with each gas station?
5. What if any are the lingering effects of the 22B to 20B lawsuit that is still pending (last I checked).
6. What is the Chart saying to you?

If you can answer some or all of the above, it would be a great discussion.


