Here is an interesting indicator I whipped up tonight. Calculating ROI based on when BTC broke its previous ATH. There was a similar dip around this time on both previous cycles. From this indicator you can clearly see just how parabolic we can get in the future. It's also interesting to note that the peak of the previous bull run touched the pull back of the run before that. So, if we run those same numbers we get around 930%-1100% ROI above our bull market start date of Dec 16, 2020. This puts us right around $200-250k for the peak of this run. It also shows a similar peak date within 15-20 days of each other. I am going to be keeping my eyes on this indicator as we continue this bull run.
ATHBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCChart PatternsFundamental AnalysisfuturevpricepredictionTrend Analysis

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