What is Bitcoin? How I know Bitcoin?, and more to discuss!!!

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a form of money seem as US Dollar, Euro, Sterling Pound. It's the best and class money what is Bitcoin. The problem on the world is the currencies are controlated for bankers and monopoly that they as work make a devaluation of our currencies. If you know, compared the US Dollar with Gold, US Dollar has been devaluated althrough of the time and years, now, that is happen of Bitcoin, because US Dollar is devaluated in front of Bitcoin, now looking this awesome graphics that I prepare for you, Bitcoin is still bullish from they birth in the financial crisis of 2009 of US Home Buildings and Federal Reserve going to print more money to rescue the banks. It's very important for you and for me what is Bitcoin and why BItcoin is here to resolve this ran problem agains the banks and corrupt governments. Bitcoin is started on 2009 with the costs of less of $1 dollar, in that time I was a boy of 11 years old and I'd never heard of it in my school. Now I have 23 years old.

How I know Bitcoin?

Well, it's a grant question for you. Because all that How I know Bitcoin is a mysterious cases that I was happened in my life. All started on 2016 that I quit my university and I study it, but I quit my university for some stupids problems that I passed in my school, because I was always a good student, I'm inteligent, a I'm a student of A. So, I remember that in my last once that I havened in my school is in my Chemistry class and then, I will go to the home and dissapear of the university that I was studied. Of course, I studied Bachelor in Biology and I quit this career. I was sad to quit my career, and then I was dissapear for long, long and long time that you not imagine all that I passed in my life and later to quit my univesity I make excersise to less my weight and later of 10 months I will lossed near of 90 pounds that I become thin, but later fo 2 months after to making excersive I knowed Bitcoin I started to heard about Bitcoin on internet. I having issue in my life with my family later to discover a horrible secret that never say they until after 2 years later that I quit my university, my mother, my father, my aunts, my cousins and my rest of Family don't knowed that I quit the university on 2016 and they discover this horrible secret on 2018 that my family don't knowed it. That is a big obstacle that my family see it and don't knowed this horrible secret. Now, this is a short story of How I know Bitcoin, and did you know, it's sound so mysterious How I quit my university and know Bitcoin there taking this secret to hiding to my family's don't found out. But, that was happening on 2018. also in this year, is the year that I know Bitcoin. Firstly, on 2017 I heard about of Bitcoin, and that it's so curious for me to hear about Bitcoin. But, I Knowed Bitcoin later that Bitcoin reach the near of $20,000 USD. I rememebr that I knowed Bitcoin on February, 2018. So in summary, I quit my university on 2016, I heard Bitcoin at finally of 2017 later of 1 years later that I quit the university. And in 2018, that was the year that I knowed Bitcoin. Later to knowed Bitcoin, in few months I knowed other cryptocurrencies as Ethereum, Litecoin, Cardano, Bitcoin Cash, and other cryptocurrencies. So, I am so curious that I leave it. So, to understand what is Bitcoin based in my definition above, I pass a lot months to study Blockchain, Bitcoin and I was anwering deeping about it, and later on 2018 I understand very well what is Bitoin, cryptocurrencies and Blockchain, but I leave with a final conclusion that my mind say me that the following until I spoked and say:

"Stop, one moment, that I don't will learned in my school and university"

And that moment at finally on 2018, I was thinking of my expression, because it's true, very very true that never in my life passing my year studying in my school all my life, I'd never learned about it, and I was trusted and aggre of this expresion. But the problem for me to understand it I pass as 10 months to understand what is Bitcoin on 2018. Also to review, I read again what is Bitcoin, again, again and again. Because it's sound so curious for me why the banks are bad to created and print money, why Bitcoin is the best solutions agains the bank? That deeper question are very important for me to discover in my autodidactic studies. Now, that I making on 2019 the continuation of the sorprendent story of my life. On 2019, once that I understand what is Bitcoin, the only that I need to know: How money work? How bank's work? Why the Banks are bad and why more why? So, if you noticed, it's an deeper anwering that I havened in my mind to know that I'd never heard in my life. So, in 2019 I will learned about financial education, personal developments, Blockchain re-studies, I learned about the finance, how world work, how people think, and more details about how work the life, also I am interesting to learn and making trading that I here now. Also, in this year 2019 I knowed Forex, what is Forex, about for it, other financial markets as commodities about the silver, gold, others, oil, etc... And so, other markets as the indices, so on 2019 I study in the Forex academy to learn trading and passed a lot months to study, how to analyze charts, etc... Also, on 2019 it's for me the best year of my life, because not just I learn all of it, but I learn how banks work, how banks print money to devaluated our US Dollar taking in our hand, that is the biggest problem of the financial elite that get it our life to destroy the wealthly of the nation, and that is How I knowed the reality that i was guide of it, that never say me, never say me how bank's work, how money's work. And guys, I'm a people class with experience in all knowledge that I was passed in my life to guide to found out what is the reality problem that never of us it's going to found out. So, the word key is be brave in thing that people don't make. Just few brave people found out that normal people don't see it. And now on 2020, I;m prepared of this knowlege of the past year 2019 that I studied and found out this horrible reality about How bank's created financial crisis, now the situation of the coronavirus is not the just crisis, Federal Reserve and other banks are here to created a warn crsisi that people don't undertood.

Well guys, thks ks my story about how I knowed Bitcoin passing for fears, obstacle, thorn and issues in my life to afront and fight agains of it that people don;t want to afront the fears. They get the fears go on dominate him. This is an important lesson that I learn in my life based in my personal developments and financial education and all training test that I passed.

What I expect for Bitcoin?

Well, it's a great question for me, because we are now in the re-accumulation zone in this yellow rectangle. That mean that Bitcoin has demand to continue up, I mark a trend line because it's so curious for me to tring to predict with exactly when we see a Bitcoin in the future. So, the possibility that Bitcoi is above of $20,000 USD soon is higher, so higher to see it. And the bull run is started when Bitcoin reach above of $20,000 USD, that is an interesting form to save Bitcoin and Hold, or any altcoin as Cardano that I do. The target it's could be for me $200,000 USD a Bitcoin, imagine you taking one BItcoin in your wallet, Bitcoin = Gold, Bitcoin is a gold and your treasury to save and accumulate wealth in the long-term to protect your money against the inflations in your currency.

My Personal Opinion:

Bitcoin is the best money that i knowed in my life, Knowed these concepts of money about Bitcoin, this digital currency it's was changed my life to understood what kind of money is Bitcoin. Well, for me, it's will go be the best investments that never I see in my life, because I accumulate Bitcoin while trading, that is all for me to undestood these fundamentals concepts about money.

For more resources, I invited you to watch the interesting information to knowed about Bitcoin, How bank's work, etc...:


That information is important to you, a education make the difference of what you are and not you should be as our society they are proggramed us.

And guys, we are a traders group in trading view, thank you to believe me in my technical analysis, it's important the reputation of what kind of people I am.
Beyond Technical AnalysisBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)
