A Professional always looks differently and understands the Main stream of Trend , where as retail tend to take position on smaller time frame thinking it will move and always take loss ,
In order to understand how professionals consider the position in the direction of the trend , this chart could be an example , Initially when price started moving in 2013 Mid of October, that time every one was still bearish , but price started moving , that indicates the Pro have started betting on new Up coming Changes in GOP , and it started reflecting after the 2014 Elections in the same manner pro started selling off the levels because then need discounts to buy back the stock , and they need also an GOP decision in upcoming Elections , and they always maintain time and price in co-ordinate way so that they always win and You Guys have to understand who loses to them
so stay in the direction of trend you can benefit with trend trade
Thats all for now , everything cant be told in 1 Chart , but you should have a sense after an visual representation in the chart
Lets see how it unfolds