The big man says 'Game Over'. Well for traders the 'Game' may just be about to start or restart. This is geopolitical news - the important kind that could rock markets (stocks and forex) all over the globe. I point out some important findings from the Mueller investigation report (which I declare as accurate summary statements). I show possible market moves on two charts.

Note carefully that some of the big issues from Mueller, sequester around the alleged attempts by Trump to remove Mueller himself, and then cover up the 'tracks'. Jerrold Nadler - House Judiciary Committee Chairman - has reported on disturbing evidence pointing to the President's obstruction of justice (be careful - this is not my opinion - I only report what was said). Full text here.

So - I'm befuddled as to how Mr Trump can declare "No corruption. No collusion" with such confidence. Further more Mr Trump derides the very report which from his perspective, finds no wrongdoing on his part! I just don't get it. Full redacted report (in the public domain).

Sunday Wall Street is gonna be interesting. I'll be reporting on Wall Street moves over the weekend. Stay tuned.

Note & Disclaimer: No recommendation is made about going long or short on any market. Traders taking decisions are not to rely on my perceptions or opinions. Your risks are your totally your own.
Fast breaking news. Important word from Nadler.
Hold everything! Most people have not seen the Volume 1 of Mueller's report! The mainstream media have largely focused on Volume 2. Actually Volume 1 gives full depth into 'No collusion, no corruption'!! Get both reports here (both already in the public domain) By Monday expect most of this stuff to have been digested by investors. Seriously - you're gonna go long on the DJI now? Give me a reason - please.
WTH! Nancy Pelosi was quoted as saying, “Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country. And he’s just not worth it.” I have to laugh (cynically). Like seriously Nancy? Do you really need the weasel words 'unless something so compelling and overwhelming...'? 

Any average reasonable person just scanning Volume 1 of Mueller's Report, would be compelled and overwhelmed by the shear force of evidence, to conclude that there is sufficient robust information to start an impeachment inquiry. So avoidance of 'divisiveness' would be a higher stake than holding to account probable 'obstruction of justice' by the highest office in the land? (Note I've chosen my words very carefully.)  "He's not worth it...." - WHAT? This is not about 'HIM'. Hellooooo! This is bigger than 'HIM'! 

Tough - in my book this is goes back to the foundational principles of the Magna Carta. The 'King' can be found to have done wrong - and 'he' not above the law or allowed to obviate accountability in law. 

For those who do not know, 'Impeachment' is the end stage of several other main stages:

1. Vote by the House of Representatives (for or against - the next stage)

2. Impeachment inquiry (following which the outcome could be), 

3. Impeachment Trial (then,)

4. Impeachment. 

'Obstruction of justice' in US Law includes attempts to obstruct justice, where specific intent to do so is found. Whilst there a different kinds of 'obstruction', the broad concepts are pretty similar in US Law. See

Pelosi, in my perception, is simply running scared now, about the dire consequences for the whole US Economy. The real fight is between 'democracy' and 'capitalism'. Talk to Yanis Varoufakis about that! 

If there is a market crash resulting from Trump's house of cards (alias the DJI) tanking, we all get plunged into an earlier than expected world recession. The world is now caught between confusion and pain. 

"Only the actions of the just, smell sweet and blossom in their dust." -  James Shirley (from 'The Glories of Our Blood and State"

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke

--- ---- ---- 

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer and make no claims to any such expertise. Like any other member of the public I am of right to read, reason and share my perspective. I have nothing against Mr Trump or his parties. My comments are confined to a matter of accountability.
The 'impeachment' bandwagon is gathering momentum. This is not good for markets - hence my comment above.
The trouble deepens! Trump could also be charged with witness tampering. How? p7 of Volume 2, states "At that point , the President engaged in a second phase of conduct, involving public attacks on the investigation, non-public efforts to control it, and efforts in both public and private to encourage witnesses not to cooperate with the investigation." Hello - this is the same sort of conduct that led Republicans to impeach Bill Clinton 20 years ago.

In addition at p132 and p132, Mueller found reason to be concerned that Trump could have potentially influenced a jury trial by making public statements which jurors became aware of.

Just to be clear - very clear - I am not drawing conclusions. The point is, that Mueller had no powers to indict the President. He took the next best course of action which was to gather evidence, to show up the 'smoking gun' and leave it for Congress - with greater powers to investigate.
Interesting. Weekend Wall Street hasn't moved a single pip for the last 6 hours. It is slower on a Saturday - but never seen anything like that. We shall see if that is significant tomorrow and Monday.
At 13:23PM 2019-04-22, Weekend Wall Street (DJI) has not moved a single pip in the last 9 hours! Never seen such a frozen gap before in the last 4 years. What that means, if anything, is to be discovered.
I found this YouTube vid to be accurate and informative on the issues
Beyond Technical AnalysiscrashForexmeltdownmeltupmuellerStocksTrend Analysistrump

FED balance sheet 42% of GDP @ 2020-01-26. Does money have value anymore? [Different perspective on the virus ]
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