C3.ai, Inc.

Best AI stock for 2023 🤖

Recently, everyone is talking about AI.
So which companies to buy and is it worth it now?
At the moment, leader among commercial implementation of artificial intelligence is a non-public company OpenAi.
Microsoft ( MSFT ) has made a big contribution to development of OpenAi - therefore its a direct beneficiary of spread of GPT chat.

📱 The rest of Big Tech shares: NVDIA, Tesla, Meta - also have a direct participation in development and popularization of AI.
That is, now AI is about the growth of Big Tech shares, which have already grown by + 50+70% since the beginning of this year!
It's a lot.
For example, Apple is generally ~4-5% of its historical maximum 😱

In context of incoming data, we see that conditions in world's economies are destroying, which means that IT sector will not be able to pull market for a long time and will go into correction. Sp500 will also go down accordingly.
And this means that the hype around AI will soon cool down ♨️

But, we would like to highlight one company that will be interesting in the medium term.
She is engaged in development and training of AI.
➖ Of the minuses, the company has no profit.
Strongly overbought by P/S ~12 (up 200% YtD).

➕ The company has no debt.
There is a very promising direction.
There is a revenue of $266 million.
Huge stock volumes starting in 2023 📊

The next report will be June 1st.
If the company makes a profit, there is a chance to grow by +50%, but then the stock will fall.

❇️ Ticker: AI

✳️ Buy limit orders: $25, $20, $17
📈 Growth potential: up to 200% by the end of the year.
📉 Downside potential: up minus 50% by the end of summer.

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