Say it with·dac·i·ty

No charting today just some good Sentiment for you to consider...Stay Calm, Stay Humble, Stay Focused.

Good Sunday to all the followers and supporters of TheShark. Its appreciated and I continue to try to add value to assist you along your journey of these amazing market cycles. I have received close to 20 emails in the past couple hours. I respect the worry and fear that many of you are feeling right now. Truth be told its a legit worry and the risks are huge in crypto. Lets get something straight if you have the audacity to make and expect the kinds of returns that crypto has gifted many of us with you must understand the risks associated. I wish assets like ETH and Bitcoin could just climb forever and never look back but that is just simply not how free markets work. If you want the chance at generational wealth you gotta have the guts to buy this stuff when no one else will. Buying the crypto covid crash was one of the scariest moments of my entire life. However this was the best decision I ever made except marrying my wife who gifted me with a house full of little girls ;). Do you find it odd that so many of the traders and youtubers are all so negative right now about crypto? I haven't seen it this negative since Covid. This should be your very first clue that we are ready to rally again. So many say they will buy the dip but lack the fortitude strength to push the button.

Did you see ETH bounce off the ETH/BTC .030 mark like I mapped out last week? For the most part Shark Supports on both Bitcoin and ETH held up just as suspected. You can never be perfect in trading but the quest is to get close. I strongly suspect that this last swell downward will be our last downward move before this market just takes off again. So if you're still here with me compliment yourself for hanging tuff I know how stressful this can be and emotionally how taxing this stuff can be on life, family and your happiness. Remember that anything worthwhile comes with risk and comes at a price. Sacrifice brings opportunities to the few willing to take the risk. For the faint of heart you would do well to not check your account balances today. Shark is going to hop on the phone and get the whales on board. Don't think I won't!
Is 40k on Bitcoin still in the realm? Yes is possible. Is ETH 1100-1200 still on the table, it sure is. Will you ever bottom these Assets perfectly? NO. But Shark is going to get on the phone and I'm telling you I bet we don't see these levels today and that next week we seatbelt up and start the next summit higher. This big move could even start late afternoon or evening today. I have some good charting indicators that support this too. I feel like trading view does a great job showcasing every traders ideas thru charts but this game is not all a science. There is an art side and an emotion side that doesn't get told enough on here. Charts don't give you the guts to step in or the strength to hang on. Ask yourself can I hold my position until the end of May or First part of June? If your answer is yes I really think you will like the outcomes of where this market is headed. If I helped you in anyway today or the countless charts I posted last week hit the like follow the Shark and join the Shiver. I don't regret any moment of my 40 years of life yet because I always went the opposite of everyone else. You have a chance at something amazing right here. These entries on BTC and ETH (Not ALTS) are some of the best I have seen in crypto. There will be a time to close shop take the earnings and leave this space but that time is not yet. Shark will show you the way.

Beyond Technical AnalysisBitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCETHEthereum (Cryptocurrency)fearhappinessHOPEmindsetpain
